
Showing posts from May, 2019

Ep #29 Garlic, Not only Bad for Vampires

In this episode of the Podcast Shaggy talks about the conspiracy surrounding  Nippsy Hustle's Death. We also learn what food is bad for vampires and you! Facebook GooglePlay /  iTunes /  Stitcher and now Also Spotify Website T-Shirt Store Instagram

Ep#28 Bigfoot huntin with Shaggy

On this Episode of the podcast Shaggy breaks down his recent adventure in Bigfoot hunting Facebook GooglePlay /  iTunes /  Stitcher and now Also Spotify Website T-Shirt Store Instagram

Nerdgazm #12 Spoiler owls out for Endgame

In this spoiler filled episode we break down Endgame the movie event of the year Spoiler filled episode coming ahead Facebook GooglePlay /  iTunes /  Stitcher and now Also Spotify Website T-Shirt Store Instagram

Nerdgazm #11 Spoiler Owl

On this episode of nerdgazm Spoiler alert Shaggy spoil some stuff Send hate mail to him for it  K thanx bye Facebook GooglePlay /  iTunes /  Stitcher and now Also Spotify Website T-Shirt Store Instagram